Application and Grant FAQ

Improving the health and well-being of the residents in the Ohio Valley

Grant FAQ

Who can apply for grants from the Foundation?

Any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is not a private foundation in our service area is eligible for consideration. We serve Belmont, Jefferson, Monroe, Guernsey, and Harrison counties in Ohio and Brooke, Ohio, Marshal, and Wetzel counties in West Virginia.

What is the average size of a grant award?

Our typical award is somewhere between $1000 and $5000. It is rare that the Foundation will award more than $10,000, yet it depends on the request and all requests will be considered.

Are there restrictions to what the Foundation will fund?

The Foundation generally will not make grants to support annual appeals, fundraising campaigns, organizations outside of our service area, endowment campaigns, Sectarians religious purposes, loans or loan pay-offs, general operating or maintenance grants for established organizations.

What elements might make an application from my organization successful?

Following the grant application instructions is critical. It is also recommended that the application keep the materials as concise as possible.

If my organization previously received a grant from the Foundation, is it possible to receive additional funding at a later date?

Yes. However, if the applicant has not complied with the Foundation’s reporting requirements or failed to adhere to the grant contract, future funding is unlikely.

Does the Foundation provide grants to individuals?

No, with the exception of possible scholarship awards which must be made to the non-profit educational institute and not directly to an individual.

Grant Guidelines

Please take some time to read through our guidelines before submitting an application.


The application is fillable in Adobe. Download it below. Fill out your information, “Save As”, and send to